Drone buying guide of 2022 with types and performance details

A comprehensive blog about the best drone buying guide of 2022 with types and performance details. It will help you to select the best lightning drone as per your need. It’s important to remember that our lighting drones are the most reliable, safe, and architect with third-generation flight control system drones.

Why do you need to know about the drone buying guide of 2022?

Let’s have a look at the importance of drone art shows and drone buying guides in detail.

Tourism is always important for all country’s economies. In the night sky, our lighting drone dazzling lights the attention of tourists and makes the sky more beautiful and eye-catching scenery like an animation show in the sky. It is usually equipped with several LED lights and the screen is visible at night. Drone light displays are different from fireworks because drones are reusable and do not cause any air or noise pollution.


drone buying guide


Performance and types

Damoda’s dynamic, capable drone’s outer fleet dominates the skies around the world. All our custom fleets are equipped with ultra-bright RGB pixels and are deployed from a single ground control station on our state-of-the-art flight software.

Drone Shows have been designed and delivered by our team of experts with numerous touchpoints for customer support. Using our exclusive 3D animation suite, we create choreographies that are full of color and dynamic animation show time of:

There are 3 types of drones are available, 2 Outdoor and 1 Indoor.

  • Outdoor lighting drone 2.2
  • Outdoor lantern drone
  • Indoor lighting drone(Indoor mini drone)

Outdoor lighting drone performance details

Outdoor lighting drone performance and details about drone buying guide to help you with what we are offering.

  1. Outdoor lighting drone 2.2 performance: Hover endurance:26min Show time:16-18min Max communication range:500(m) Max wind speed:8(m/s)
  2. Outdoor lantern drone performance: Hover endurance:18min Show time:12min Max communication range:1000(m) Max wind speed:5(m/s)

Strong drones for complex environments:

A strong, sustainable, and responsive offering. With amazing hover endurance of 26 min show with a maximum wind endurance of 8 m / s, our high-performance drones can remain stable and agile in extreme conditions. Everything we do is completely individual in design and technical setup with challenges and limitations in place, which means that as a team we must always be alert and resourceful.

3. Indoor lighting drone 2.0 performance details

Indoor lighting drone 2.0 (Indoor mini drone) performance and details about drone buying guide to help you with what we are offering. Our indoor performance drones specially designed palm-shaped drones can be deployed in a range of indoor spaces. From convention centers to exhibition halls and grounds to indoor playgrounds, it offers guests a live entertainment experience that is close and personal.

Indoor lighting drone performance: Stand-alone endurance: 10 min Showtime: 6 mins Positioning method: UWB Wind resistance: ≤4.0 m/s

With operationally smooth and responsive, our drone showcase presents challenges to traditional thinking and provides our customers with a truly great platform for telling their stories.

Hope this blog about drone buying guide will help you to select the right lighting drone for you. Above all, for further information, contact us. We pride ourselves on creative excellence, smooth delivery, and an ideal safety record.


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